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At Sonday Life our vision is for believers everywhere to experience organic spiritual living as intended by Christ. This is the revelation that Christ gave his disciples, and it is the overarching calling of this ministry. Jesus said in John 10:10, “My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” Our goal is to make every day Sonday for all believers by experiencing the presence, guidance, and empowerment of the Spirit of Christ in our lives daily. The love of Christ drives us to demonstrate the promise that Christ gave to our world to not leave us alone. At Sonday Life Church our mission is to show Christ to all who are in need of Jesus and encourage natural spiritual relational growth in all who believe in Jesus.

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My Organic Spiritual Life


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At Nazareth Church you'll be welcomed by people who have come together to know Christ and live in his freedom.



Organic Spiritual living is about the realization of the power of spirituality in the life a believer in Jesus Christ. Having the power of the Spirit of God in our life as believers is critical as we walk daily in this world. As the Apostle Paul told the believers in Ephesus our battle isn’t against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of evil, in heavenly places (Ephesians 6:10-18). As representatives of Christ in the world, believers are supposed to display, in our lives, the spiritual love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness of Jesus. The power to change lives and overcome the darkness in this world is only made manifest through God’s Spirit. As the angel of the LORD told the prophet Zechariah, victory isn’t by physical might or power, but by God’s Spirit (Zechariah 4:6). The power of spirituality is increasingly necessary for every believer as we face the denial of God and his only begotten Son in the world today. As the spiritual forces of evil strive daily to influence humanity against faith in God, we must use the power of the Spirit in us to withstand such spiritual malevolence. Christ gave us his Spirit to lead, guide, and teach believers all things relating to our faith and life in him. At Sonday Life we focus on believers living Spiritually fulfilled lives by organically learning from the Spirit of God. How can believers display the fruit of the Spirit to the world unless that fruit is naturally grown by the Spirit within us? And how can the Spirit grow its fruit within us if we don’t seek the Spirit to teach, guide, and lead us. The power of spirituality is the ability that resides within every believer to abide in the mentoring work of the Spirit of Christ to grow the body of Christ to maturity in him.

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Community is the context for discipleship. The Christian faith is not intended to be lived in isolation; we were made for a relationship with God and for relationships with each other. We belong not merely to a local church, but to a people.

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