This episode is about understanding what God is motivating you to do in your life for Christ. Do you know if your motivation for Christ is from you or from God? Do you know where your motivation and vision in life come from?
- What motivates us to attend church?
- Where does motivation come from?
- How to recognize the two types of motivation?
- How is Spiritual motivation accomplished?
A. What motivates us to attend church?
George Bernard Shaw once said, “Some men see things as they are and say why. I dream of things that never were and say why not.”
In Proverbs 29:18 we are told that people get confused and wander off without a vision. We are motivated to attend church because people need direction and a vision. Human beings need boundaries to feel safe. The physical nature of humanity is used to operating within a structure. We feel comfortable and safe having walls around us. This is why we are motivated to attend church in a building.
B. Where does “vision” or “motivation” come from?
There are 2 sources of vision;
1) Physical/Human
2) Spiritual/Godly (Matthew 16:17-18)
The inspiration or vision for seeing who Jesus Christ is comes from the Father. In the Matthew passage above, Peter was inspired by the Father to see that Jesus was the Messiah. The “rock”, upon which the church is built, isn’t Peter, but the spiritual inspiration that comes from God. This is why the “gates of hades” will never overcome the church because the revelation from God about Jesus Christ is forever.
C. How to recognize the difference between Human and Godly motivation:
Human motivation is self-centered (Proverbs 16:2)
- Physical needs; food, shelter, health, safety, protection (survival)
- Emotional needs; love, friendship, family bonds, acceptance
- Esteem needs; respect, accomplishments, confidence, fulfillment, mastery, awards
Godly motivation is Christ-centered (Selfless)
- Matthew 22:35-40
- Philippians 3:10-11
D. How is A Spiritual Vision accomplished? Proverbs 16:3
- Committing the work to the LORD; means doing everything necessary to realize the vision including prayer, guidance, and actions.
- And your vision will happen because God will make it happen.
Questions to ask Yourself: Honestly answer these questions!
- Is this my vision or God’s inspiration? – who does it glorify
- Does this come from human or Godly intentions? – who does it promote
- Is it selfish or selfless? – who is it for
- How will it be accomplished? – who will provide the means (note here is even if God has inspired action, it doesn’t mean it won’t be hard. God uses events and circumstances to provide growth and learning for us. We still have to seek God through prayer for guidance and assistance.)
What Motivates us to Attend Church? From a recent survey, I did with believers I’ve complied the following results for what motivates people to attend church;
1. Learning; about the Bible, God, Jesus, and the word, The Spirit calls some to teach (Growth)
2. Christian Community; social interactions, meeting new people, fellowship, strengthening one another in fellowship (Community)
3. Worship; music, choir, special worship time (Humility)
4. Christian Cultural Inspiration; align priorities, and thinking, to begin the week with a stronger faith and focus. (Motivation)
5. Support; can be vulnerable, family, ministerial guidance, encouragement, and financial support from the body of Christ (Acceptance/Oneness)
6. Spiritual Connection; Spiritual atmosphere, peacefulness, friendliness
7. Service; Opportunity to serve Christ and others, be an example Finding Your Vision in Christ
What motivates you in Christ? Is it guilt, prestige, pride, honor, or cover-up? Identify your selfish and selfless motivation in Christ – why am I singing? Plan how to accomplish your vision in Christ
Abraham Lincoln was a believer in Jesus Christ but he didn’t belong to a church. He felt the institutionalism of the church, subordinated the Spirit of Christ. His approach to his faith in Christ was through his actions in life. To him, faith in Jesus was the New Wine, and the church was the old wineskin.
Is the church a crutch that prevents believers from truly experiencing their faith?
What do I mean by the church is a crutch? A crutch is an aid that enables someone to appear to do something that they actually can’t do. The problem with a crutch is…
Is the church institution in the world today the opposite of what Jesus Christ established? Church for Jesus was anywhere and everywhere. The church was in the temple, synagogue, street, field, desert, house, dinner party, etc. on the internet.
People are connected to a “place” where they go to be in an atmosphere with others who believe like them. It feels good to attend a church in a building. Are we more comfortable being surrounded by walls than the Spirit of Christ? Not unrestrained…
Yes, we need a Christian community, but does that come from a building? Doesn’t Spiritual vision exist whenever we open ourselves to experience our faith?
I interviewed two women from Iran 10 years ago, Maryam Rostampour and Marziyeh Amirizadeh. They were imprisoned for being Christians. They had no church buildings, but God gave them a vision of Christ.
They told me, God had a purpose for them. He wanted them to see the injustice, and to bring awareness about the situation in Iran to the world. They believed that God had a plan and he wanted them to show the other prisoners what faith looked like and not religion. They had no church in Iran, but they were the Body of Christ in their prison.
I’m making this podcast interview available on YouTube right after this live stream. The title is “Light is Greater Than Darkness.” I will also email a link out. It’s an extremely powerful example of finding your vision in Christ.
What would the effect of Christ be in a world where believers practiced their faith like these two women without being in a building? If believers actually lived their faith anywhere at any time, even a prison. The “church” would be limitless and encompass everything. This is the vision that God has given me for the Body of Christ.
Some people see things as they are and say why. I dream of a church that can be and say why not.