God has a plan for us who are part of the earthly existence, but he also has a plan for those beings that live in the heavens, who have a celestial existence. Just as there are mortal creatures in the physical realm that are driven by instincts, desires, and free will, there are also celestial creatures in the heavens that are driven by impulses and free will. Just as the personal agendas of mortal beings cause disruption and disorder on the earth, the personal agendas of celestial beings also cause disruption in the heavens and on earth.
How can this be? God is all-powerful. Why would he allow this to happen? We will answer those questions as we learn more about all his celestial creatures. This is a multilayered subject, so I must choose where to begin. I don’t want us to get lost in all the misdirection and confusion that’s been created around the subject of celestial beings. The best place for us to start is with the number one promoter of darkness and disorder: Satan (the adversary/accuser). Satan is constantly accusing humans before God. His deep-seated enmity and desire is to see humans condemned and alienated from God.
Why? Why does Satan want to see humanity condemned? Scripture gives us five reasons for his hatred of humanity. First is his fixation on rebellion. Satan and the fallen angels’ hatred toward humanity can be seen as an extension of their rebellion against God. Since humanity is made in God’s image and is the focus of His love and redemption, the fallen angels’ opposition to God naturally extends to God’s creation, especially humans. It’s like Satan to rebel and oppose God (Isaiah 14:12-15). Also, we see this about Sanat in Ezekiel 28:14-17.
Why is Satan rebellious? Because of envy, Humans are uniquely created in the image of God and are recipients of His love, grace, and redemption. This special status provokes envy and hatred in Satan and the fallen angels, who don’t share this same intimate relationship with God. In Genesis 1:26-27 it says God created man in his image. In Psalm 8, the psalmist says God made humanity a little less than Elohim. The Bible does talk about other heavenly beings called elohim, gods. Our confusion is when we think of God and assign attributes to the title. But the Jews didn’t. Elohim is a heavenly being; the attributes are assigned by context, function, and/or name. Almighty Elohim, Everlasting Elohim, LORD or Hosts, this is only one Elohim, Yahuah.] Satan and the other fallen angels are envious of humanity and God.
Satan wants to bring Disorder to God’s Order: Satan’s role as the tempter in Genesis 3 shows his intent to corrupt and destroy the good God created. By leading humanity into sin, Satan seeks to mar the image of God in humans and disrupt God’s plan for creation. Satan, in reality, is God’s adversary, accuser, and opposer. We see in Genesis 3:1-5 that Satan wants to show God made a mistake with humanity. Therefore, he’s not deserving of the title Almighty God.
Satan’s war on humanity is because he Opposes God’s Plan for redemption and reconciliation. Satan and the fallen angels are fundamentally opposed to God’s plan of redemption through Jesus Christ. They know that God’s plan centers on the salvation of humanity, and they work to prevent this from happening by deceiving, accusing, and tempting humans to turn away from God (Revelation 12:7-9).
Finally, Satan has an overwhelming desire to be God. Satan is described as the “god of this world” and the “prince of the power of the air.” His opposition to humanity includes a desire to assert dominion over the world and all humanity, therefore being in direct opposition to God’s sovereignty and his kingdom. Paul explains Satan’s frustration in Ephesians 2:1-2. Satan wants to be the god of this world, but God put humanity in charge of the earth.
The Bible presents Satan and the fallen angels as deeply opposed to God and His purposes. Their hatred for humanity stems from their rebellion against God and their envy of humanity’s unique relationship with God. Satan is committed to corrupting God’s creation and opposing God’s redemptive plan for humanity and the cosmos. Finally, as the primary accuser of God and anything aligned with God, his goal is to usurp God’s authority and dominion for himself as The Most High. For all of these reasons, Satan is uniquely dedicated to his rebellion against God and his war with humanity.
Where do we see Satan’s opposition to God and his war with humanity? We see it in his influence on the world through deception and lies. Convincing people to rebel against God. Deceiving people to think they are somehow better than others or being jealous and envious of others. Sowing the seeds of discontent and chaos within humanity through politics, philosophies, religions, greed, and wars. Getting people to lack faith in God’s redemptive plan through Christ. And by pedaling secular humanism to the world to convince mankind they are their own God and there’s no need for another god.
How do we combat Satan’s influence in the world? By spreading the Gospel. Christ died for our sins, was resurrected, and ascended to heaven, where he has all power and authority in heaven and earth. Faith, the word of God, and the Spirit of Christ defeat Satan and the fallen angels.