This episode will discuss another Angelic Power closely associated with the Mighty Angel: The Angel of Great Authority. These two angels reveal the characteristics of God’s power, sovereignty, and glory to humanity. As I’ve also said, the seven Angelic…
Welcome to Sonday Life, where we aim to live every day in a spiritually organic way as the Son’s Day. Whether this is your first time with us or joining us from previous videos or podcasts, it’s great to…
In the last episode of this series, Spiritual Forces in the Heavens, I introduced a fourth category of celestial beings in the Angelic Hierarchy called Principalities & Powers. In that episode, I identified *Seven Great Angelic Powers: The Angel…
As I’ve said, the Apostle Paul discussed an Angelic Hierarchy in Ephesians. He noted that our struggles in this world aren’t against Flesh and blood but against the rulers, authorities, cosmic powers of darkness, and spiritual forces in the…
Welcome to Sonday Life, where we live daily as the Son’s Day. Whether this is your first time with us or joining us from previous videos or podcasts, it’s great to have you here as we study God’s word…
As I said in the previous episode, the Apostle Paul told us about an Angelic Hierarchy in Ephesians 6:12. I’ve broken the Angelic Hierarchy down into four groups of 4 angel types in each group. There are a couple…
I have selected sixteen different positions filled by celestial beings. There are some additional categories of angels, but it’s challenging to identify their roles precisely. In most instances, their role is also covered by one of the categories I…
In Matthew 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13, we saw the judgment that came upon Jerusalem in 70 AD. This closed or fulfilled the Mosaic Covenant and instituted God’s New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34).
In Matthew 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13, we saw the judgment that came upon Jerusalem in 70 AD. This closed or fulfilled the Mosaic Covenant and instituted God’s New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34).
In Matthew 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13, we saw the judgment that came upon Jerusalem in 70 AD. This closed or fulfilled the Mosaic Covenant and instituted God’s New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34).