We’ll begin with verses from Solomon that talk about God being the one that plans our steps in life: Proverbs 19:21 and Proverbs 16:9.
Many of those we read about in the Bible lived these words. Moses, David, Elijah, and many others had a plan about something they would do, something good, something God wanted, but God had another way to get there. Moses was going to free Israel by his hand. David was going to defeat all of Israel’s enemies. Elijah was going to eliminate idolatry in Israel. Even the disciples were going to help Jesus defeat the Romans. All good things. Grand plans for God. But God had different plans to achieve better goals. Those plans involved preparation by learning through patience, struggle, disappointment, hardship, and rejection. Learning to trust God to accomplish his will for our best life. No matter our good intentions, God has plans for our steps.
We have a lot of ideas for God in our thoughts and imaginations. Good things to help others and promote faith in Christ, but God decides how, when, and if those good ideas will happen. Maybe some of those good ideas for God will never happen; if they do, they will happen in God’s time and in his way.
When I retired, I had a lot of good ideas for serving God. I started Sonday Life with the plan of helping believers make their experience with Jesus meaningful and organic in their daily lives. Involvement with food banks and homeless shelters, creating a place where believers can fellowship, sing, pray, worship, study, encourage others, and be encouraged, but not as a church, but more of an unchurch gathering place. To use technology to teach God’s word to strengthen faith and promote the kingdom of Jesus Christ. All these are things I had the skills and the abilities to do. All good things, but God is the one who decides how, when, and if the plans of our hearts happen.
I’ve said all this to say that no matter all my good ideas, God has decided he has another path for me to follow. During the Christmas and New Year holidays, I wrote the first draft of a book. It wrote itself. With all the holiday things going on in two weeks, I wrote over 200 pages. Since then, I’ve realized I must dedicate myself to completing it, living with it, and listening to God’s wants.
The subject of the book has inspired me and consumed me. It’s fantastic and confounding. It’s crystal clear and a mystery at the same time. I’m excited to see what God does with the book’s message – it’s so astounding and beautiful – but I’m also afraid for what it means for the body of Christ – for all of us as a community of those who believe in Jesus Christ.
I’ve finished the first draft and am halfway through the second draft, which is close to 300 pages. It may take several months to complete; that’s up to God. I can’t say much about the book right now, but I can tell you it’s about the return of Christ. What has truly surprised me is I’ve seen that all the things that have happened in my life, the things I’ve learned and the people I’ve known, and the inspirations God has given me, all of it has come together in the chapters of this book. I don’t know if the book will ever be published; that’s up to God. I know that right now, this is God directing my steps. I know this because the words of this book have changed me in many fundamental ways.
Will I do more videos? That is up to God. If God wills, I will; if he doesn’t will this and he wills something else, then I’ll do that. I genuinely appreciate your support for Sonday Life and these streams. You can still contact me by email if you have questions. I’ll still upload my daily Bible verses on Instagram, Facebook, X, and LinkedIn. You can contact me through the Sonday Life website. I’ll stay in touch with everyone through email as time permits and update you on the book’s progress. I’d appreciate your prayers for me and my family as we follow God to see what today and tomorrow will bring. We’re living by faith in the Son of God to direct us.
Thank you again for your support and prayers. I’m available if you need anything. God bless your journey with Christ and don’t get frustrated when your plans don’t go exactly as you thought they should. Lean into God by faith, and as his plans take control of your life, you’ll see the amazing things he can do with you in his kingdom. Thank you, and the grace of Jesus Christ, be with you always.