We will look at where God has always planned for believers to live for eternity since I showed in the last episode that heaven isn’t that place. You might ask, “If we’re not going to spend eternity in heaven, what’s this all about? All the suffering, pain, loss, hardships, grief, and heartbreaks. What’s it all for? It’s for multiple things, not just one. Paul tells us one thing: it’s for A New Home; Romans 8:18-25. We don’t see God’s final home for his children, just like we can’t see the Spirit residing in us, but we have the hope of God’s promise, and we excitedly look forward with patience, along with the entire creation, to our eternal destiny.
This is all for God to give us A New Peace (Ezekiel 37:26-28). Israel is either the one with Power with God or the prince’s children, those who believe in him. Humanity doesn’t have peace with God. God did have peace with mankind in the garden, but Adam rebelled and became separated from God. But in Christ, we receive peace with God through our redemption by Christ. Our peace is part of the “Already and Not Yet” mindset of believers because we already have our peace with God through Christ, but it’s not yet fully realized until that day when God will dwell with his people again.
This is all for God to give us A New Light (Isaiah 60:18-20). God will be our light always. There will never be a threat, darkness, or sorrow.
This is all for God to give us New Memories (Isaiah 65:17). Think about the statement made by Isaiah. Previous things will not be remembered or cared about. Does that mean we won’t have any memories of this life? No, not according to what Paul tells believers (Philippians 3:13-14). Does Paul forget, meaning he is letting go of certain things and reaching for others? What is he letting go of? Those things that won’t be in the new heaven and earth.
This is all for God to give us A New Heaven and Earth (2 Peter 3:11-13). What will exist in the new heavens and new earth? Those things that are righteous. Therefore, those things that Paul said he is reaching forward toward are the things that will be in the new heaven and earth. John concurs with Paul in Revelation 21:1-5).
This is all for God to give us A New Purpose (Isaiah 25:8). Who are the Lord’s people? Those who have faith in Jesus Christ and are redeemed by him live on the new earth in the new Jerusalem with him.
Creating a New Heaven and New Earth signifies a complete transformation and Renewal of all Things. In this new state, the redeemed will experience life to its fullest without the pain and suffering of the former world. In the New Heaven and New Earth, evil will be gone, and only the good, true, and beautiful things will live on forever. This is what Paul said in Philippians 4:8.
The painful, harmful, and hateful memories are forgotten because they’ll be eliminated in the New Creation. It’s reasonable, therefore, to conclude that if the unhappy, sorrowful, and painful things are eliminated, then the happy, joyous, and loving things will be remembered in the New Creation. If death is eliminated, then anything associated with death will be forgotten. But life will be abundant in the New Creation; therefore, any goodness associated with a glorious life will be remembered. Therefore, as we prepare for the New Earth that God will create for all who believe in Jesus Christ, let us be like Paul and let go of all the hateful, sorrowful, and depressing things that aren’t going to be in the new Earth and reach forward toward all the loving, faithful, gracious, kind, and hopeful things that will be there with us.
The Heavens Will Be Shaken