A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” In Revelation 18 an Angel of Great Authority declares the fall of Babylon. Who is this angel and what city is Babylon?
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” Who is this powerful Angel in Revelation 10? How does he exhibit one of the seven Spirits of God to the creation? Find the answers to these questions and more in this episode.
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” The Angel of the Abyss and the Angel of Death are imposing angelic powers that strike in the hearts of the living. What do these two great powers show us about God’s judgment and sovereignty over his creation?
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” In this episode, we will discuss the seven great Angel Powers of the heavenly realm and how and why God utilized them in their interaction with Israel and all humanity.
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” The Apostle Paul told us about an Angelic Hierarchy in Ephesians 6:12: Our struggle is not against Flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of darkness.
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” Within God’s celestial hierarchy is a group of beings that fill the cosmic role of sanctifiers. In this episode, I’ll discuss their purpose and how they affect the lives of believers and unbelievers daily.
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” There is a spiritual hierarchy of angelic beings. These angelic forces of the heavens are categorized into four groups, which I’ll explain in this episode.
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” Who was God talking to when he said, “Let us make man in our image?” Who are the “Elohim,” and where did they come from? In this episode, we will answer these questions and more.
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” In this episode, we’ll answer some nagging questions about the identity of the Serpent in the Garden. At the same time, we’ll answer questions about Satan and the Devil.
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” Jesus gave the disciples the keys to the kingdom of heaven. In this episode, I will provide you with five keys that will unlock the kingdom of heaven in your journey with Christ.