A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” There’s more to the story of creation than meets the eye. This episode will uncover the critical link between God’s celestial and terrestrial families. and what God set out to accomplish between the heavenly and earthly realms.
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” In the last episode, we looked at Satan’s rebellion against God and his war with humanity. A question many of you asked about that episode was regarding the Hebrew word ‘elohim.’ Based on your questions, I feel this term is complex today. So, I want to take some time to explain to us what ‘elohim’ means.
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” God has a plan for us who are part of the earthly existence, but he also has a plan for those beings that live in the heavens, who have a celestial existence. But Satan doesn’t agree with those plan’s and leads a rebellion against God.
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” Scripture tells us we won’t spend eternity in heaven. Instead, believers will spend eternity in the New Jerusalem, which will descend from heaven to the New Earth, where God will be the Light of the New Earth and Christ and believers as the church will be the temple of the New Jerusalem.
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” What happens when believers move on from this world? If we aren’t going to heaven and the new earth isn’t here yet, what happens to believers when they die?
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” Where does God plan for believers to live for eternity? As I showed in the last episode, heaven isn’t that place. You might ask, “If we’re not going to spend eternity in heaven, what’s this all about? All the suffering, pain, loss, hardships, grief, and heartbreaks. What’s it all for? It’s for multiple things, not just one.
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” I’ve researched the subject of heaven across every genre of literature, fiction, nonfiction, religious, and philosophical, and heaven is in the top five topics written about. The other four topics are love, death, war, and human nature. Let’s look at what the Bible says about where believers will spend their afterlife.
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” I got some questions about what the Bible says about whether believers will spend eternity in heaven. I understand the pushback since heaven has been the promise the church has held up to believers for centuries. But just because heaven has been built into our worldview and the doctrinal culture of Christianity, it doesn’t mean we can ignore what Scripture teaches us about the truth of God’s plan for our eternal destiny and purpose since the foundation of the universe.
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” What’s the truth about heaven or Paradise? What does the Bible say about whether believers will spend eternity in Paradise? Does Scripture say God is preparing a place in heaven where believers will live forever? Let’s see where the concept of Paradise came from.
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” To understand the truth about heaven, we have to unplug it from tradition, culture, fantasy, superstition, Systematic Theology, and dogma. By unplugging from all the traditions about heaven, we’ll find out the surprising truth about believers’ destiny. Is heaven where believers will spend eternity?