A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” What causes someone to die spiritually? Spiritual death is when we’re separated from God. What causes us to be separated from God? Disobedience to God and, therefore, sin. What causes us to sin? To know what causes us to sin, we must first know what sin is.
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” In this episode, I will answer the Biblical question, “What is death really? On the day when Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the garden, did they die like God said they would? We’ll find out in this episode.
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” Do you really know what death is, or do you only know what you’ve been told what death is? How does the Bible define death. Do you want to know the truth about death?
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” Christians have been taught that the resurrection will take place when Jesus Comes. Most Christians believe that’s a future event. But it’s clear that scripture teaches that Jesus has already come. This means the old age of the Law ended, and the new age of the Spirit of Reconciliation began.
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” Many look at the things going on in the world and say that Jesus is coming soon. Is that really true? Is Jesus coming soon, or did Jesus already come? Find out the answer to this question: “Did Jesus Already Come?
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” What does the coming of the Son of Man mean in Matthew 24:30? Is this a second or third coming of Jesus? This is a great question. It’s a question more believers should be asking. What you believe this verse is saying will determine your view of the future of your life and the world.
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” Christians believe that one day, God will create a new heaven and a new earth where we will live for eternity with Him. But do we accurately picture the new heaven and earth promised in scripture? In this episode, we’ll discuss how we can know what the New Heaven and Earth will actually be as promised by God.
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” Does the statement “the Son of Man coming in the clouds” mean the Messiah would be seen in the sky coming to earth? Could the “Son of Man coming in the clouds” be misinterpreted by the Jews and many others? Find out in this episode of Sonday Life.
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” Is this universe and world going to be destroyed? Does the Bible say that God will judge mankind and destroy the heavens and the earth? In this episode, we’ll discuss when and how the heavens will or will not be destroyed. In Matthew 24:32-35, Jesus said, “Heaven and Earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” What does Jesus mean by this saying?
A message from the series “My Organic Spiritual Life.” What does the return of Jesus Christ mean to you? Do you think about the return of Christ as you go through your day? Maybe there are other things going on in your life that you have to focus on. It’s kind of a strange dichotomy between our life now and our next life. We’re so busy and concerned with this life that we have very little time to think about our next life.