We’ve been discussing the angelic powers from the Bible that reveal God’s character and nature to humanity. These angelic powers help us understand God and give us insight into his character and nature. God’s invisible, but we can see…

We’ve been discussing the angelic powers from the Bible that reveal God’s character and nature to humanity. These angelic powers help us understand God and give us insight into his character and nature. God’s invisible, but we can see…
Welcome to Sonday Life, where we aim to live every day in a spiritually organic way as the Son’s Day. Whether this is your first time with us or joining us from previous videos or podcasts, it’s great to…
As I’ve said, the Apostle Paul discussed an Angelic Hierarchy in Ephesians. He noted that our struggles in this world aren’t against Flesh and blood but against the rulers, authorities, cosmic powers of darkness, and spiritual forces in the…