In Matthew 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13, we saw the judgment that came upon Jerusalem in 70 AD. This closed or fulfilled the Mosaic Covenant and instituted God’s New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34).

In Matthew 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13, we saw the judgment that came upon Jerusalem in 70 AD. This closed or fulfilled the Mosaic Covenant and instituted God’s New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34).
As we’ve been going through the parables of Jesus, in this video, I will speak about *The Parable of the Two Sons found in the Gospel of Matthew. This isn’t the two sons from the parable of the prodigal…
Well, hello, everyone, and welcome to Sonday Life. I’m excited to talk to you today about a wedding invitation. It’s a special wedding invitation that Jesus discussed in the Gospel of Matthew. How many of you have received a…