In the last live stream, I spoke about the rise of the Neopagan religion of Wokeism in our world. The Woke movement is called the “New Religion of the West.” This new religion is incompatible with Christianity because Wokeism has developed its own view of reality with its own set of values and cautionary tales, their form of gospels.
Wokeism rose from Critical Race Theory or CRT. CRT is a movement to free people from any circumstance that would “enslave” them. The basic goal of CRT is to tear down any authority because power leads to enslavement. The concepts of logic, science, reason, values, finance, morals, and religion are tools of the oppressors.
Wokeism tells its own truth, demands its own form of justice, determines its own concepts of right and wrong, and delivers its own judgment on any who oppose it. Individual and corporate redemption is only obtainable by strictly following the Woke doctrine and dismantling every form of oppression as identified by them. They’ve branded Christianity, with its morality and values, as chief among the oppressors. Which, in their view, makes Jesus the devil.
Wokeism declares that Christianity is a faith of violence, corruption, superstition, polytheism, homophobia, pontification, and an abuser of women and their rights.
In Wokeism, sin is a privilege; righteousness is victimhood; judgment is cancellation. Repentance is giving up your privilege, forgiveness comes from doing penance by participating in woke ideological practices, and salvation is when the oppressor class is destroyed through cancellation, and humanity realizes true freedom under Wokeism.
Make no mistake. Wokeism is a religion, and it’s spreading due to what is being taught in our public schools. Listen to this most recent poll on American opinions about the transgender issue, which is a plank in the CRT platform;
Is sex assigned at birth?
- Overall, Americans say yes 57% to 43%
- 18–34-year-olds say yes 53% to 47%
- 55-64-year-olds say yes 63% to 37%
Should biological males compete in women’s sports? 63% say no.
Should puberty blockers be given to 10- to 14-year-olds? 68% say no.
Should puberty blockers be given to 15- to 17-year-olds? 58% say no.
Should teachers discuss their transgender identities with students?
- Kindergarten to 3rd grade; 77% say no.
- 4th grade to 5th grade; 70% say no.
- 6th grade to 8th grade; 58% say no.
It’s clear as we move forward, with the influence of teachers in public schools, all these opinions about transgenderism will become positive in the next ten years.
It’s also clear the decline in people attending Christian churches is directly related to our public school children being evangelized by teachers preaching CRT and the Woke religious ideology. The younger generation is coming out of our public schools, from kindergarten through college, proselytized by Wokeism.
What should we do as followers of Christ? How should we respond to the growth of this powerful darkness in our world? Does Jesus want us to respond to this new religion that’s leading our children away from faith in God? He does, but he wants us to respond to it the same way he responded to those who were lost and misguided in his time. Listen to what he said as he introduced his message to those of his day; Luke 4:18-19,
We’re not Jesus, but he gave us the Good News to proclaim to the poor. He’s sent us to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to show the oppressed their freedom, and proclaim the time of God’s favor.
- What is it to proclaim the Good News to the Poor? Who are the poor? Are they financially poor? No, he wasn’t preaching a Prosperity Gospel. He was speaking to those with impoverished spirits, not an empty bank account. To give the poor in spirit hope that their spiritual poverty will be reversed in heaven.
- What is it to proclaim freedom to the Prisoners? Are these those prisoners in jail for actual crimes? He was speaking to those who are imprisoned in their guilt. They’ll be forgiven and set free from their sin by the grace of Jesus Christ.
- What blind will recover their sight? Are these the physically blind who will be healed (even though Jesus did heal the physically blind, but not all)? He was speaking to those who can’t see the truth and are blinded by an evil darkness. The light of Christ comes into the hearts of all who believe, and they can see.
- What Oppressed are given freedom? Again not to all who are oppressed by tyrant leaders, which is what the Jews thought the Messiah would do for them against Rome. But those whose spirits are crushed by their sins. They’ll be free.
- What is the year of the Lord’s favor? It’s not the one Jubilee year of forgiveness every fifty years in the Torah. It’s a never-ending age of the forgiveness of sins and the cancellation of all the debts of the flesh forever.
How do we proclaim this message of hope, forgiveness, salvation, and freedom to those who oppose and hate us and want to cancel the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
Well, this is exactly what the disciples faced in the first century. The Jews opposed the Gospel. They didn’t want to hear about Jesus. They wanted the Christian movement crushed. But God overcame their hatred and violence with a more powerful method.
We see this method described by Paul in his letter to the Corinthian Church. Let’s read 1 Corinthians 9:19-23;
“Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone {we have the freedom to make ourselves a slave for the sake of others}, to win as many as possible. {To win here means when others believe, our investment of time and energy in the Gospel for them is time and energy well spent. Others can’t believe in Christ if they don’t hear the Gospel. And they won’t listen to us if there are barriers between us and them, like distractions and offenses. We don’t want our appearance or political views to be the reason they don’t hear the good news of Jesus Christ}. To the Jews, I became like a Jew to win the Jews. To those under the law, I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law {he didn’t put himself under the Mosaic Law to follow its tenants, but rather proclaimed the gospel from their law. He became “like” a Jew; he didn’t become a Jew again, though he didn’t do anything to offend a Jew either. He wanted his effort to be well spent}. To those not having the law, I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), {meaning he was “like” those without the law though he did nothing against the law of Christ} so as to win those not having the law {to Paul the world was divided into two groups; Jews and everyone else}. To the weak, I became weak, to win the weak {meaning to those unable to grasp the message of the gospel, he simplified it. Like Paul, sometimes we need to adjust our message to make it comprehensible, but we can’t dilute the gospel so much that it becomes ineffective or undistinguishable from a worldly philosophy}. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means, I might save some. I do all this for the sake {purpose} of the gospel that I may share in its blessings {meaning become a companion or be in a relationship with them as they become brothers and sisters in Christ. And he was blessed in the Gospel as they receive salvation and eternal life through Christ}.”
Paul said he did all that for the purpose of the Gospel. What is the purpose of the Gospel? (John 20:30-31)
Why did Paul go through all that effort? What drove Paul to do this?
- His calling compels him; 1 Corinthians 9:16
- He is compelled by love; 2 Corinthians 5:14
Maybe we don’t have Paul’s call, but we do all have the same Spirit, which is the love of Christ. This is our superpower. The ability to present the Gospel in love to others. (1 Corinthians 13:1-13)
The Spirit of Christ compels us to bring the Gospel to all the world. That means everyone. Not just those who agree with us or approve of Christianity.
We are compelled and empowered by the Spirit and the love of Jesus Christ to become all things to all people so that by every possible means, we may save some. We must use our superpower ability to love others through the Gospel. In love, we must;
- Be Patience without frustration.
- So Kindness without insolence.
- Be Understanding without frustration.
- Have Humility without condescension.
- Forgiveness without condemnation.
- Speak Truth without judgment.
- Give Grace without condition.
- Display Hope without despair.
- And Persevere without tiring by praying incessantly for their salvation in Christ.
We’re called as believers to bring the light of the love of Christ to a darkening world, the likes of which haven’t seen previously. And we must respond to this darkness as Jesus would respond and proclaim God’s message in love without retreating from the truth. Remember, people are being influenced by the evil of Wokeism; they aren’t evil.
Not an easy thing for us to accomplish for Christ. But loving people and investing the effort to save them from a destiny of judgment and death is what’s required of us today, just as it was required of those before us.
This is a pivotal time in our world. This is 2,000 years in the making. Now is the test of our faith. Responding with love to the darkness brought on our generation by Wokeism is our call from God to try to save some from everlasting darkness through Christ.