In this episode, I’m going to give you 5 Takeaways about what was happening around you, Spiritually, when you first believed. When I first believed I had no idea how involved God already was with my faith. We think we came to God on our own, but the truth is God literally has to save us from beginning to end.

Takeaway #1 – You were chosen

Think back to “when” you first believed in Jesus Christ. Now, think about “WHY” you first believed in Jesus Christ. I’m sure you had lots of reasons. I know I did. But how did those reasons come into your mind and heart? Do you think you decided by yourself to believe in Christ? You didn’t. In John 6:43-45 Jesus said that everyone who comes to him does so because the Father draws him.

God is in charge. Like those in the passage above that couldn’t accept the things Jesus told them, we also rationalize that everything the Bible says can’t be true. There must be some more reasonable explanations surrounding the life of Jesus Christ. This is why the Father literally has to drag us to a place where can decide for ourselves whether we believe in Jesus or not.

The Father leads us and teaches up by his Spirit so as many as believe can be the children of God (Romans 8:14). We think we just believed. But God used his Spirit throughout our life to bring us to Jesus. He chose you and me and brought us to a place where we decided to believe.

Takeaway #2God has a plan for you

What do you think happened after you believed? Did your life change? Did you stop sinning? Did you think you were supposed to stop sinning and become a better person? Believing in Jesus Christ doesn’t make us perfect or even less of a sinner. King David is a perfect example of someone who was chosen by God, had tremendous faith, and still sinned greatly. The Apostle Paul, also chosen by God called himself the #1 sinner of all sinners (1 Timothy 1:15)

Religious people hide their sins and pretend they don’t sin by rationalizing their sins. This was something Jesus consistently pointed out to the crowds in Israel (Mark 2:16-17). Jesus came to save sinners. As he said, the healthy don’t need a doctor, but the sick do. I wonder if our churches today are Phariseeical temples or hospitals.

Paul says a time will come when the sick/sinners are healed/perfected but that time isn’t now (1Cor 13:8-12). Now we are looking into a foggy mirror and we see our sickness and sin. But the day will come when God will heal us and wipe away our sinfulness forever. Jesus doesn’t fix our brokenness right now, but he does overcome it with his sacrifice.

Takeaway #3 – You are the church

Jesus didn’t create a religion or Christianity. But he did provide a place for believers called the kingdom of heaven, and within the kingdom of heaven is the church of Christ. As saved, and not perfected sinners, Jesus provided a place where believers could find strength, support, commonality, understanding, love, and forgiveness. But the church that Jesus created has been confused with buildings and institutions and organizations and programs and entertainment and enterprises.

Jesus founded his church on an immutable principle; the enlightenment of the Father (Matthew 16:16-18). This is the first time the Greek word ‘ekklesia’ is used in the Bible. The word means ‘called out from/called out ones‘. Those whom God had chosen, lead, taught, and enlightened that Jesus was the Christ the Son of God, would be the community of the called ones.

Paul gives us more insight about this community of called ones in Colossians 1:18 by revealing that this church is the body of Christ. And further emphasizes his bodily description of the community in Ephesians 1:22 by saying that Jesus is the head of this body. Christ is the head, and we individually make up the body, which is the church of Jesus Christ.

It is clear that the church of Jesus Christ isn’t built with brick and steel and concrete. It is built of flesh and blood and Spirit. And as Paul illustrates in Ephesians 4:14-15 a body grows differently than a building. The community of Jesus Christ grows with love not money, influence, dogma, and political power.

Always be aware of this: The church is a mystery, and part of that mystery is that you are the church. The church is the body of Christ which is made up of chosen believers. Christ will one day marry his bride, which is the church. And just as marriage makes two people one flesh so Christ and his church will become one. Therefore on earth chosen believers make up the body of Christ, but in heaven, the church of believers will become the body of Christ and be one. In the world, the church is the representation of Jesus Christ, but in heaven, Christ is the presentation of the church of believers to all creation.

Takeaway #4 – You are the Image of Jesus

The church and the individual believers in the body of Christ are the image of Jesus on earth. As Paul just said above, when every part is working properly the church is the representation of Jesus Christ in the world. This is similar to when Jesus said that he was the image of his Father (John 14:9).

Do we look like Jesus to people? Does the church look like Jesus? Should the world see Jesus in us and in the church? According to the word of God they should (Romans 8:29). We are ambassadors for Jesus Christ in the world (2 Corinthians 5:20). Ambassadors are representatives and a representative should be like the one they represent.

Takeaway #5 – It’s Time to Wake Up.

This world has an expiration date. It is time for us to wake up. Paul tells us why it’s critical for us to know the 4 Takeaways I just presented in Romans 13:11. This world has a sell-by date that is expiring.

Theologian and pastor, Eugene Peterson created a Bible translation called “The Message Bible” that he said was in the vernacular of his congregation; meaning in the language that ordinary people speak. Here is how “The Message Bible” interprets the passage from Romans above:

“But make sure that you don’t get so absorbed and exhausted in taking care of all your day-by-day obligations that you lose track of the time and doze off, oblivious to God. The night is about over, dawn is about to break. Be up and awake to what God is doing! God is putting the finishing touches on the salvation work he began when we first believed.”

Conclusion: Our salvation, my salvation, your salvation is closer today than when we first believed. We, me, you, are a work of God that is being molded into the image of Jesus so that the world can be reconciled to God through our message as his church, which is the body of Jesus Christ.

My God’s Word and Spirit bless you and enlighten you always!

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